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Recent Bios FAQ

51069 Richard Wilson <ARWilson@c...> 1998‑10‑05 Re: My Bio.
Fellow Brit  Mike Field announces himself  by trolling.....
..Bio stuff snipped..
>manufacture all the tools you now 'drool' over, for you have
>to remember that the first settlers who colonised the States
>'exported' these tools from England, otherwise you wouldn't
>have any tools at all to collect {your American ones being
>only English copies ;-) }.

Of course, you've never seen *me* being partisan now have you... but
I suspect that before Europeans took their tools and prejudices over there,
that the Scandinavians beat them to it.
Evidence of Viking settlements on the NE coast would suggest that at least
the broadaxe, adze, treenails, and carving needed for longboats was
to the North Americas long before the rest..

But anyway
Welcome another Brit to the porch, helps move the centre of gravity to
the right a bit..

Richard Wilson
Only languishing in Swindon until Oct30th ! ! !

Recent Bios FAQ