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272948 scott grandstaff <scottg@s...> 2021‑03‑06 Re: Machinist's Tool Chest Made From Scrap Pallets
You got to love this guy!!
  He scrounged up a stack of really good pallets, as pallets go. He's 
got the right bars to break them down too. They don't fly apart easily.
He must have a hell of a metal detector. Who else held their breath over 

I loved his gluing psychology most of all.  That was brilliant!! It made 
everything else possible
Brads, he knows brads!! Forgotten art that it is. Brads were so critical 
for so long. The right size, the right application. (I have a ridiculous 
stash of them.)
I think there was a lot of predrilling going on, off camera. I know I 
wouln't try to get away with so many so close to the edge.

He's using a 4 oz ball pein, lord love him. Its the right size but its 
elegant as a club foot.
   In fact this guy makes you want to SOS him some decent hand tools all 
through. He is making a pretend saw work! That Japanese saw hasn't been 
sharp for years and he wearing though the stock anyway. And God that 
hacksaw made me gasp! haahah I have giveaways in my shed better than that.

  He's got a good mallet though. At least he has a mallet.

I am still struggling with the brass corners. What was that all about? 
Did he glue them in? Why don't they just fall back out next week? How do 
they strengthen the box? They look killer, but I worry hahaah

yours scott

    Scott Grandstaff
    Box 409 Happy Camp, Ca  96039

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