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276662 Kirk Eppler 2022‑12‑02 Re: Thinking about Miter ( Mitre) planes...... Shooting p[lane.....
No, I have not cleared off enough bench space to give it a real run yet.
Due to the front overhang, I need the full depth of my bench to test it
without hitting the wall.   Pulled the blades, and they weren't fully
sharp, so I set it aside in favor of easier targets (skewed blades make me
think really hard to resharpen them)

Kirk in Half Moon Bay, CA

On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 12:57 PM Claudio DeLorenzi 

> Kirk: OMG, that is a beast!  I've never seen one in real life.  Have you
> tried it out as is?

Kirk Eppler
*Planned Time Off*
*no major events planned*
Principal Engineer
Pharm Dev Processing
650 225-3911

Kirk Eppler in Half Moon Bay, CA 

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